Payment and shipping

The following conditions apply:

Shipping conditions

Delivery within Germany (Germany) 
Shipping costs (including legal value added tax)

We ship all packages with DHL. Shipping to a Packstation is no problem (please note maximum size).

Domestic deliveries (Germany): 

Parcel shipping by DHL:

We charge a flat shipping fee of 4,99€.

If the value of goods falls below €39 due to returns, €4.99 shipping will be charged subsequently.

Deliveries abroad (outside Germany): 

We deliver to all countries of the EU (excluding special tax zones). We deliver in all countries of the EU (except Special tax zones). 

Foreign shipping costs are depending on the weight of the parcel: The flat rate is usually from 13,99€.

Foreign shipping costs are depending on the weight of your order: The shipping fee is usually from 13,99€.


Delivery times

Unless otherwise stated in the respective offer, the goods will be delivered within 3-7 working days in Germany and within 14 working days for deliveries abroad after conclusion of the contract (in the case of agreed advance payment, after the time of your payment instruction).

Please note that there is no delivery on Sundays and public holidays.

If you have ordered items with different delivery times, we will send the goods in one shipment, unless we have made different arrangements with you. In this case, the delivery time is determined by the item with the longest delivery time that you have ordered.

If you collect the goods yourself, we will inform you by e-mail when the goods are ready for collection. In this case, no shipping costs will be charged.

Accepted payment methods

- Payment in advance by bank transfer
- Payment via PayPal 
- Payment via Klarna 

If you have any questions, please find our contact details in the imprint.
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